大谷 秀憲

  • 大谷 秀憲
    [おおたに ひでのり]

    • 学部

    • 医療保健学部理学療法学科:教授

    • 連絡先

    • 079-223-2211 (代)


  • 環境生理学
  • 運動生理学
  • スポーツ医学


  • 生理学 (水5)
  • 生理学 (木4)
  • 生理学実習 (火3・4)
  • 生理学実習 (木1・2)
  • スポーツ医学
  • 理学療法総合演習
  • 理学療法研究法 (卒業研究)
  • 理学療法研究法演習 (卒業研究)


  • 学生生活はあっという間です!思い切り楽しんでください!


  • 兵庫医科大学大学院医学研究科生理系専攻博士課程 修了 (2004)


  • 医学博士 (甲第四二三号 兵庫医科大学)


  • 生理学エデュケーター (日本生理学会)


  • 2014-
  • 姫路獨協大学医療保健学部 教授
  • 2012-2014
  • 姫路獨協大学医療保健学部 准教授
  • 2010-2011
  • 英国ラフバラ大学スポーツ運動健康科学部 研究員
  • 2006-2012
  • 姫路獨協大学医療保健学部 専任講師
  • 2004-2006
  • 兵庫医科大学医学部 研究員


  • 日本体力医学会(評議員)
  • 日本運動生理学会
  • 日本生理学会(評議員)
  • 日本生気象学会
  • 兵庫医科大学医学会
  • ヨーロッパスポーツ科学会
  • 米国スポーツ医学会
  • 米国生理学会
  • 国際生気象学会
  • 国際労働衛生委員会 (ICOH)


  • 大谷秀憲. (2021). 気温, 湿度, 気流, 日射と運動パフォーマンス. 長谷川博, 中村大輔 編集. スポーツ現場における暑さ対策-スポーツの安全とパフォーマンス向上のために, ナップ, 東京, pp. 9-30.
  • 大谷秀憲 (2016) 体温の運動生理学. 玉木彰 監修:解良武士 編集. リハビリテーション運動生理学, メジカルビュー社, 東京, pp. 106-133.
  • 日本陸上競技連盟, 石井好二郎, 瀧澤一騎, 梶原洋子, 芳田哲也,石垣享, 大谷秀憲, 新田広一郎 (2008) 陸上競技における暑さ対策マニュアル.日本陸上競技連盟, 東京.


  • Hidenori Otani, Kazunobu Okazaki, Hiroshi Hasegawa. (2023). Editorial: Environmental exercise physiology towards global warming: challenges, applications and future trends. Front Sports Act Living. 5: 1243587.
  • Hidenori Otani, Takayuki Goto, Yuki Kobayashi, Heita Goto, Minayuki Shirato, Yuri Hosokawa, Ken Tokizawa, Mitsuharu Kaya. (2023). Thermal strain is greater in the late afternoon than morning during exercise in the gym without airflow and air conditioning on a clear summer day. Front Sports Act Living. 5: 1147845.
  • Hidenori Otani. (2023). Prior heat exposure diminishes upper-body endurance work capacity and maximal arm and leg strength in young men. Int J Biometeorol. 67: 337-345.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2022). 続・熱中症研究最前線(3):熱中症を予防するためのコンディショニングのすゝめ. コーチング・クリニック. 36 (9): 40-44.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2022). 暑さと運動と体との関係. ランニングマガジン・クリール. 2022(8): 32-37.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2022). 続・熱中症研究最前線(2):熱中症を予防するための身体冷却のすゝめ. コーチング・クリニック. 36 (8): 40-44.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2022). 続・熱中症研究最前線(1):熱中症予防のための暑熱馴化のすゝめ. コーチング・クリニック. 36 (7): 42-45.
  • Hidenori Otani. (2022). Effectiveness of infrared tympanic thermometry during physical activity in the heat at a solar radiation of 500 W/m2 or less. Atlas of Science. May 23: 1-3. (Online Article)
  • Hidenori Otani, Jason K.W. Lee. (2022). The use of sun-shade on safe heat exposure limit on a sunny summer day: a modelling study in Japan. Int J Biometeorol. 66: 731-740.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2021). 熱中症研究最前線(4):概日(サーカディアン)リズムと水分補給量が暑熱環境下の運動時における熱中症の危険性に及ぼす影響. コーチング・クリニック. 35 (10): 40-45.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2021). 熱中症研究最前線(3):夏季快晴時の日射の日内変動が高校の部活動練習時における熱中症の危険性に及ぼす影響. コーチング・クリニック. 35 (9): 38-43.
  • 大谷秀憲.(2021). 暑熱環境下の運動時における環境条件が体温調節と熱中症の危険性に及ぼす影響.繊維機械学会誌 せんい. 74 (6): 23-28.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2021). 熱中症研究最前線(2):日射量及び日射と気流の複合作用が暑熱環境下の運動時における熱中症の危険性に及ぼす影響. コーチング・クリニック. 35 (8): 42-47.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2021). 熱中症研究最前線(1):湿度と気流が暑熱環境下の運動時における熱中症の危険性に及ぼす影響. コーチング・クリニック. 35 (7): 46-51.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2021). 夏を乗り切る「暑熱対策」-高体温と精神疲労が暑熱環境下の持久性パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響. コーチング・クリニック. 35 (6): 8-11.
  • Yuri Hosokawa, William M. Adams, Douglas J. Casa, Jennifer K. Vanos, Earl R. Cooper, Andrew J. Grundstein, Ollie Jay, Brendon P. McDermott, Hidenori Otani, Neha Raukar, Rebecca L. Stearns, Brady Tripp. (2021). Round table on preseason heat safety in secondary school athletics methods of environmental monitoring for heat safety during activity. J Athl Train. 56: 362-371.
  • Hidenori Otani, Makoto Fukuda, Takehiro Tagawa. (2021). Cooling between exercise bouts and post-exercise with the fan cooling jacket on thermal strain in hot-humid environments. Front Physiol. 12: 640400.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Heita Goto, Ken Tokizawa, Ronald J. Maughan. (2021). Combined effects of solar radiation and airflow on endurance exercise capacity in the heat. Physiol Behav. 229: 113264.
  • Hidenori Otani, Takayuki Goto, Yuki Kobayashi, Minayuki Shirato, Heita Goto, Yuri Hosokawa, Ken Tokizawa, Mitsuharu Kaya. (2020). Greater thermoregulatory strain in the morning than late afternoon during judo training in the heat of summer. PLoS ONE. 15: e0242916.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Heita Goto, Akira Tamaki. (2020) Rising vs. falling phases of core temperature on endurance exercise capacity in the heat. Eur J Appl Physiol. 120: 481-491.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Yuri Hosokawa, Jason KW Lee. (2020) Solar radiation and the validity of infrared tympanic temperature during exercise in the heat. Int J Biometeorol. 64: 39-45.
  • Hidenori Otani, Takayuki Goto, Heita Goto, Yuri Hosokawa, Minayuki Shirato. (2019) Solar radiation exposure has diurnal effects on thermoregulatory responses during high-intensity exercise in the heat outdoors. J Strength Cond Res. 33: 2608-2615.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Heita Goto, Ronald J. Maughan. (2019) Exposure to high solar radiation reduces self-regulated exercise intensity in the heat outdoors. Physiol Behav. 199: 191-199.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Heita Goto, Takayuki Goto, Minayuki Shirato. (2018) Diurnal effects of prior heat stress exposure on sprint and endurance exercise capacity in the heat. Chronobiol Int. 35: 982-995.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Phillip Watson, Ronald J. Maughan. (2018) Air velocity influences thermoregulation and endurance exercise capacity in the heat. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 43: 131-138.
  • Hidenori Otani, Takayuki Goto, Heita Goto, Minayuki Shirato. (2017) Time-of-day effects of exposure to solar radiation on thermoregulation during outdoor exercise in the heat. Chronobiol Int. 34: 1224-1238.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Phillip Watson. (2017) Separate and combined effects of exposure to heat stress and mental fatigue on endurance exercise capacity in the heat. Eur J Appl Physiol. 117: 119-129.
  • Hidenori Otani, Ronald J. Maughan. (2016). Solar radiation reduces endurance exercise performance in a hot environment. Atlas of Science. Apr 7: 1-3. (Online Article)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Phillip Watson, Ronald J. Maughan. (2016) Effects of solar radiation on endurance exercise capacity in a hot environment. Eur J Appl Physiol. 116: 769-779.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Takaki, Junzo Tsujita. (2015) Influence of passive hyperthermia and diurnal variation on exercise performance and cognitive function in the heat. Extrem Physiol Med. 4: A155.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Takaki, Junzo Tsujita. (2014) Hyperthermia with mental fatigue before exercise impairs subsequent endurance capacity in the heat. Br J Sports Med. 48: A8.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Junzo Tsujita. (2013) Effect of the volume of fluid ingested on urine concentrating ability during prolonged heavy exercise in a hot environment. J Sports Sci Med. 12: 197-204.
  • Ronald J. Maughan, Hidenori Otani, Phillip Watson. (2012) Influence of relative humidity on prolonged exercise capacity in a warm environment. Eur J Appl Physiol. 112: 2313- 2321.
  • Phillip Watson, Hidenori Otani, Ronald J. Maughan. (2011) Influence of relative humidity on prolonged exercise capacity in a warm environment. Br J Sports Med. 45: A3-A4.
  • Hidenori Otani. (2010) Relationship between the amount of fluid ingestion and renal concentrating ability during heavy exercise in the heat. Br J Sports Med. 44: i15.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Junzo Tsujita, Kazuko Hori, Seiki Hori. (2006) Low levels of hypohydration and endurance capacity during heavy exercise in untrained individuals. J Therm Biol. 31: 186-193.
  • Seiki Hori, Kazuko Hori, Mitsuharu Kaya, Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Hidenori Otani, Junzo Tsujita, Yoshitaka Oku. (2006) Comparison of body mass, food intake and plasma constituents in lean and obese Zucker rats under cold acclimation and deacclimation. J Therm Biol. 31: 137-143.
  • Kazuko Hori, Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Hidenori Otani, Naoyuki Kanoh, Tohru Tsujimura, Nobuyuki Terada, Seiki Hori. (2006) Memory of long-term cold acclimation in deacclimated Wistar rats. J Therm Biol. 31: 124-130.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2005) Influence of rehydration levels on thermoregulation and body fluid retention during exercise in a hot environment:暑熱環境下の運動時における水分補給量が体温調節と体液維持に及ぼす影響. 兵庫医科大学医学会雑誌. 30: 182-184.
  • Hidenori Otani, Tohru Ishigaki, Mitsuharu Kaya, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori (2005) Comparison of tympanic membrane temperatures measured by contact and noncontact tympanic thermometers during prolonged exercise in the heat. Elsevier Ergonomics Book Series. 3: 21-24.
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori. (2005) Influence of rehydration levels on thermoregulation and body fluid retention during exercise in a hot environment. Acta Med Hyogo. 30: 61-74.
  • 大谷秀憲. (2004) 水分補給とランニングパフォーマンス. ランニング学研究. 16: 21-28.
  • Hidenori Otani, Tohru Ishigaki, Mitsuharu Kaya, Yoshiki Kobayashi, Shuxia Li, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori. (2002) Comparison of tympanic membrane temperatures measured by contact and noncontact tympanic thermometers during prolonged exercise in the heat. Environmental ergonomics 10 (Proceedings.): 67-70.



  • Hidenori Otani, Heita Goto, Takayuki Goto, Yuki Kobayashi, Minayuki Shirato. (2023) Time-of-day does not affect the volume of water ingested during outdoor and indoor exercise on a clear summer day in the heat. International Conference on Adaptations & Nutrition in Sports 2023.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani. (2022) High solar radiation exposure reduces self-regulated work intensity in the heat. The 33rd International Congress on Occupational Health.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani. (2021) Effects of solar radiation on thermoregulation and work performance in the heat. The 5st International Commission on Occupational Health Scientific Committee on Thermal Factors Meeting.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Heita Goto, Ken Tokizawa, Ronald J. Maughan. (2021) A combination of solar radiation and airflow influences endurance capacity and thermoregulatory strain during exercise in the heat. The 22nd International Congress of Biometeorology.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Heita Goto, Akira Tamaki. (2020) Endurance exercise capacity and heat-loss responses are greater in the late evening than morning. The 67th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Heita Goto, Ronald J. Maughan. (2019) Effects of solar radiation exposure on self-regulated exercise intensity and thermoregulation in the heat outdoors. The 66th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Phillip Watson, Ronald J. Maughan. (2018) Effects of variations in air velocity on thermoregulation and endurance exercise capacity in the heat. The 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Phillip Watson, Ronald J. Maughan. (2017) Effects of variations in air velocity on endurance exercise capacity and thermoregulation in a hot environment. The 17th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Takakyuki Goto, Minayuki Shirato. (2017) Time-of-day effect of solar radiation on thermoregulation during outdoor exercise in the heat. The 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Phillip Watson, Ronald J. Maughan. (2016) Influence of solar radiation on endurance exercise capacity and thermoregulation in a hot environment. The 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Junzo Tsujita, Phillip Watson. (2015) Effects of hyperthermia on the relationship between circadian rhythm and exercise performance in the heat. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Takaki, Heita Goto, Junzo Tsujita. (2015) Combined effects of hyperthermia and circadian rhythm on aerobic and anaerobic performances in the heat. The 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Takaki, Heita Goto, Junzo Tsujita. (2015) Influence of passive hyperthermia and diurnal variation on exercise performance and cognitive function in the heat. The 16th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Takaki, Junzo Tsujita. (2014) Hyperthermia with mental fatigue before exercise impairs subsequent endurance capacity in the heat. The International Sports Science and Sports Medicine Conference 2014.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Takaki, Heita Goto, Junzo Tsujita. (2014) Combined effects of passive hyperthermia and mental fatigue on endurance capacity during heavy exercise in the heat. The 19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Minayuki Shirato, Heita Goto, Junzo Tsujita. (2013) Influence of passive hyperthermia on arm cranking endurance capacity and itokinetic torque of exercised and non-exercised muscle groups. The 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Phillip Watson, Ronald J. Maughan. (2012) Endurance exercise performance and body temperature under various humidity conditions in the heat. The 17th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (Invited Symposium).(口頭発表)
  • Minayuki Shirato, Hirokazu Osanai, Kazuhiro Suzukawa, Hidenori Otani, Naoto Kimura. (2012) Effects of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation on exercise performance, body composition and hematology in male athletes. The 59st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Phillip Watson, Ronald J. Maughan. (2011) Effect of the environmental relative humidity on endurance exercise capacity and thermoregulation in the heat. The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Symposium).(口頭発表)
  • Phillip Watson, Hidenori Otani, Ronald J. Maughan. (2011) Influence of relative humidity on prolonged exercise capacity in a warm environment. The 3rd International Sports Science and Sports Medicine Conference.(口頭発表)
  • Hidenori Otani. (2010) Relationship between the amount of fluid ingestion and renal concentrating ability during heavy exercise in the heat. The 2nd International Sports Science and Sports Medicine Conference.(ポスター発表)
  • Kazuko Hori, Hidenori Otani, Seiki Hori. (2009) Effects of cold acclimation and deacclimation on energy balance of genetically different obese rats; obese Zucker and OLETF rats. The 36th International Congress of Physiological Sciences.(ポスター発表)
  • Seiki Hori, Hidenori Otani, Kazuko Hori. (2009) Influence of cold acclimation and deacclimation on energy balance of OLETF and LETO rats. The 3rd International Meeting on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation.(ポスター発表)
  • Seiki Hori, Kazuko Hori, Mitsuharu Kaya, Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Hidenori Otani, Junzo Tsujita, Yoshitaka Oku. (2006) Weight-reducing and hormonal effects of cold acclimation and deacclimation in lean and obese Zucker rats. The 2nd International Meeting on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation.(ポスター発表)
  • Kazuko Hori, Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Hidenori Otani, Naoyuki Kanoh, Tohru Tsujimura, Nobuyuki Terada, Seiki Hori. (2006) Memory of long-term cold acclimation in deacclimated Wistar rats. The 2nd International Meeting on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Junzo Tsujita, Kazuko Hori, Seiki Hori. (2006) Low levels of hypohydration and endurance capacity during heavy exercise in untrained individuals. The 2nd International Meeting on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Mitsuharu Kaya, Akira Tamaki, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori. (2004) Fluid intake sufficient to replace dehydration attenuates hyperthermia and body fluid imbalance during exercise. The 51st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.(ポスター発表)
  • Tohru Ishigaki, Mariko Nakamura, Mitsuharu Kaya, Katsuhiro Koyama, Yoshiki Kobayashi, Masanori Takemura, Akira Tamaki, Hitomi Takeda, Hidenori Otani, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori. (2003) Body weight of rhythmic gymnastics athletes may be increased in proportion to abnormal eating attitude. The 50st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.(ポスター発表)
  • Hidenori Otani, Tohru Ishigaki, Mitsuharu Kaya, Yoshiki Kobayashi, Shushia Li, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori. (2002) Comparison of tympanic membrane temperatures measured by contact and noncontact tympanic thermometers during prolonged exercise in the heat. The 10th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics.(ポスター発表)


  • 2023年度第45回石本記念デサントスポーツ科学振興財団学術研究助成 研究代表者
  • 令和4年度日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究C)研究代表者
  • 令和3年度日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究B)研究分担者
  • 令和3年度日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究C)研究分担者
  • 令和元年度日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究C)研究代表者
  • 平成26年度日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業(若手研究B)研究代表者
  • 平成24年度日本体力医学会国際交流事業ヨーロッパスポーツ科学会参加助成
  • 平成22年度姫路市海外研究助成金


  • イタリア保健省研究助成事業 審査委員(2023年~)
  • PLoS ONE 編集委員(2023年~)
  • 国際労働衛生委員会温熱因子分科会 委員(2019年~)