Accommodation Information
家賃(月額) | 32,000円(2019年4月~) Rent – ¥32,000 per month(Apr. 2019~) |
共益費(月額) | 3,000円 Amenity Fee – ¥3,000 per month |
光熱水費 | 実費 Utilities – according to use – |
住宅保険 | 約3,500円 House Insurance – ¥3,500 approximately (for one year) |
通学のための交通費 | 大学まで徒歩で通えるため必要ない The apartments are within walking distance to the university, so no travel expenses apply. |
退室時清掃費 | 約16,000円 Upon leaving, a ¥16,000 cleaning fee will be charged. |
* 2019年7月現在の価格ですので、今後変更することもあります。
* Prices quoted are for the year 2019, and are subject to change.
Scholarship Information -(HUMAP)
This university will apply for scholarships on your behalf. The scholarship payment from April to June (or July in the case of HUMAP), will be received at the end of each month. From July to March, the scholarship payment will be received at the beginning of each month. Payment dates may change.
Be advised that day-to-day living costs in Japan may be more expensive than you expect. Have enough money for a problem-free stay.
Textbook Information
As textbooks differ depending on your classes, it is difficult to estimate the actual cost. However, they usually come up to approximately ¥10,000.
Other charges
Himeji Dokkyo University is always making efforts to improve its exchange program. As such, although we have tried to inform you as much as possible here about the charges that will be incurred during your stay, this is not a complete list and new charges may apply during your stay. We will keep you informed of any new charges that may occur. However, please be aware that if any new charges (or increases in existing charges) occur, you are obliged to pay these. This is a condition of your participation in this exchange program.
Your Visa and the Certificate of Eligibility
To enter Japan, you must obtain a student visa from your nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate. To be granted this visa, you first need a “Certificate of Eligibility”. Himeji Dokkyo University applied for this certificate on your behalf and sent materials to you so that you can apply for the visa.
About national health insurance
It is compulsory for students who stay in Japan(excluding half-term student) to join the National Health Insurance. Please make all payments at the beginning. After a student joins this insurance, he/she pays only 30% at a hospital in the case of sickness or injury. If he/she is an overseas student, he/she can get a further discount.
About the defrayals such as the sicknesses and the injuries
While in Japan, under no circumstances will the host university pay for costs incurred due to sickness or injury. Those students who have the National Health Insurance Scheme need only pay 30% of medical costs, but students not covered by this insurance must pay the entire cost, in some cases, a very large amount. It is important to inquire to what extent medical insurance from your home country will cover you in Japan. Please insure you have sufficient funds to pay any medical expenses.
About the preparation for prices and the cost of Japan
日本の物価は想像以上に高く何につけてもお金がかかります。 特に渡日したばかりで生活が落ち着くまでには、当初支払わなければならない費用もたくさんあります。奨学金でまかなう予定にしていても、この奨学金は自分の都合のよい時に振り込まれるわけではありません。費用面では余裕をもって準備してきて下さい。特にアパートの費用は前月の月末までに大学に納めなければなりませんので、注意してください。
Prices in Japan are often unimaginably high and the cost of living is very expensive.
In particular, what you pay when you first arrive in Japan and as you settle in, are considerably large. Even those students with scholarships often find that the scholarship installments are not in time to make certain payments. Please prepare sufficient funds for this purpose. Please also be aware that homestay payments must be made by in advance by the end of the previous month.
About the use of the cellular phone
In Japan, mobile telephones have become very popular. They are convenient and cheap.
Mobile phones can be used for instant contact between staff at the International Centre and exchange students, as well as keeping in contact with friends. Therefore we advise every exchange student to purchase a mobile telephone as soon as possible after arrival in Japan.
Anticipated expenses
項目 | 金額 | 備考 |
国民健康保険料 National Health Insurance |
約18,500円 about ¥18,500 (年額 a year) |
金融機関等で支払い。 |
学生災害保険料 General Insurance |
1,000円 ¥1,000 (年額 a year) |
証明書自動発行機にて支払い。 |
賃借料 Rent |
35,000円 ¥35,000 (月額 monthly fee:Apr. 2019~) |
住宅保険料 Insurance for ccommodation |
3,500円 ¥3,500 (年額 a year) |
光熱水費 Water, gas, electricity |
実費 (actual expense) | |
退室時清掃費 Cleaning fee |
16,000円 ¥16,000 (入室時1回、不足分は退室時に徴収) |
To be paid upon moving in. Additional fee may be charged when you leave |
印鑑 Seal (INKAN) |
約5,000円 about ¥5,000 |
姫路獨協大学 国際交流センター
〒670-8524 兵庫県姫路市上大野7-2-1
079-223-9156 (直通)